Amherst Biennial - 12 more days
12 more days left until closing of the first Amherst Biennial!There are several special events planned for closing next week.In addition to the regular hours, all the galleries will be open for December Art Walk on Thursday the 2nd. A closing celebration has been planned for Sunday, Dec.5, 5 - 7 PM. East St. School will be open until 8 PM on that day, so come on down, enjoy Karen Dolmanisth’s performance at 7pm., an amazing video installation by Sarah Bliss, and all the other wonderful art works in many different mediums, and celebrate this successful event.The Public Arts Commission will be serving beverages and light snacks for the Art Walk & closing Dec. 5. One of my photographic assemblies, Time Still No.3, is on view at Nacul Center Gallery at 592 Main St. The gallery is open on weekdays 9-4, and weekends 1-4. I hope to see you there!